Speed Reading — Birth Control - Level 5 — 300 wpm 

This is the text (if you need help).

Tanzania's President John Magufuli advised women to stop taking birth control pills. He said this was because Tanzania needed more people and it was wealthy enough to educate many children. He said: "Women can now give up contraceptive methods." President Magufuli cited the example of European countries that do not have enough workers, which he says is because of birth control. He told reporters: "I have traveled to Europe and I have seen the effects of birth control. In some countries they are now struggling with a declining population. They have no labor force."

President Magufuli said birth control was because of laziness. He said people who use family planning worry about feeding their children. He said they didn't want to work hard to feed a large family, so they use birth control instead and have just one or two children. He said: "You have cattle. You are big farmers. You can feed your children. Why then resort to birth control?" One politician pointed out that Tanzania does not help large families. He said: "Our health insurance schemes can only accommodate a maximum of four children from one family."

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