Speed Reading — The Colour Blue - Level 1 — 300 wpm

Now do this put-the-text-back-together activity.

This is the text (if you need help).

Everyone has a favourite colour. We usually like it all our lives. A new study from the BBC found that the most common favourite colour is blue. It also found that people change the colours they like as they get older. Experiences in life also change the way people feel about colour. Many people like darker colours as they get older. The BBC said dark yellowish-brown was the world's least liked colour.

The BBC found that blue has been a favourite colour since the 1800s. Most people's experiences of blue are positive. Many colours in nature are blue, especially the sea and sky. A blue sky makes people happy. A negative association with blue is in the English language. In English, people say they are "feeling blue". This means they feel sad. Sport sometimes helps people choose a favourite colour. Many people like the colour of their favourite team.

Back to the the colour blue lesson.

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