Store staff get body cameras to protect themselves

Supermarket staff in the UK are wearing body cameras to protect themselves. Customers are punching or pulling knives on staff. Sales assistants and checkout staff are afraid. They are stressed and worried about their safety. The UK's largest supermarket said the number of attacks on its workers has gone up by 30 per cent in a year. More than 200 of its workers are attacked each month. Thousands more are shouted at and verbally abused every day.

Newspapers say attacks on shop staff show that Britain is "broken". There is a big rise in anti-social behaviour in Britain. A newspaper survey shows that 72 per cent of voters think the UK is broken. There has also been a big increase in shoplifting. A supermarket CEO wants new laws for people who attack staff. He said crime is bad for society, and "an insult to shoppers". He said attacks on staff were "unacceptable" and "heart-breaking".